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  • Since January the pupils discover a new musical instrument: their body.

    Leaded by Floran from the association "Vivre le monde",   they learn  to produce various sounds, various tones with different parts of their body.

    This learning  requires  listening,  attention,  opening to the others,  perseverance.

    In a relaxed atmosphere, each pupil tries, makes  mistakes, begins again.

    It is planned to perform in front of parents in the end of the year.

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  • Keith Haring seen by the 6/7 years old (CP) and the 10/11 years old (CM1/CM2)

    We have discovered a new artist: Keith Haring.

    We worked on different  mediums (supports) as the artist did: paintings, newspapers, sticking, cutting, photo assembly...

    The oldest helped the youngest to develop their creativity. yes

    The result of this collaborative work was an exhibition on the walls in school seen by all the visitors during the open day in the end of February.glasses

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  • Every morning the children rush to the space dedicated to the alive

    in our class. They observe the stick insects babies, look for them, count them and observe their growth. shocked

    The pupils are amazed by the growth of the chaillote, by the new plants of courgette and by our bulb of amaryllis. (Children saw that after the flowers appear funny green balls.) sarcastic

    Quelques images des plantes

    elevage et plantation  La chaillotte  elevage et plantation


    elevage et plantation      la courgette    elevage et plantation


    elevage et plantation

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  • Our Penpals from Guimiliau


    In our class there is a special space dedicated to our penpals.

    There are several things there: a collective card for Christmas, individual letters to introduce each pupil and soon we will exchange our favourite recipes.

    On March the 25th we organise a meeting with the 2 classes:

    it will be a sportive and artistic day.oops

    Then we will know better each other.yes

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    In the newspaper "OUEST FRANCE", the young pupils from Ce2 La Croix Rouge La Salle in Brest, explain their first project about environment: "Don't touch to my planet, collect your cigarette ends!"

    The first one is "Don't touch to my beach!".

    To disseminate their project, they wear badges with their slogan and they went on a beach to collect waste.

    They will speak soon about their second project. cool

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  • In France, after Primary School, the pupils are going to "Le Collège", Secondary school, during four years. (6th / 5th/ 4th /3rd classes)

    Each year, the pupils who are in their last year in Primary School go

    to the Collège. The headmaster of the school group, Mr Nau, the teacher responsible of the 1st year in the Collège, Mrs Bonneau, and several teachers are there to present and explain what children do during the first year in the Collège -the 6th.

    They visit all the spaces they will use next year. They eat in the self.

    And they go to a class level 6th with pupils who are in this class.

    They can ask all the questions to their classmates and to a teacher.

    Thank you everybody for your involvment to welcome the future pupils.


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  • TICE: Technologies de l'information et de la communication pour l'enseignement.

    ICT: Information and communication technologies

    ICT in EDUCATION: teaching and learning with ICT.

    B2i - Niveau 1 = Brevet informatique et Internet - Niveau primaire

    Brevet= patent / certificate

    It's an Internet and computer user's certificate level 1 = for Primary school.

    Before going to Secondary school, pupils work to obtain their certificate the B2i.

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  • The CE2  (8/9 years old) in La Croix Rouge are working about environment.

    The local newspapers wrote an article about their work.

    It's gorgeous to have a picture of the class in the press!

    The work began in December: It  was linked with the international event COP 21 in Paris.

    First, the pupils searched how to save our planet.

    They created badges to say: 

    "Be careful with our beaches!"

    Don't touch my planet! Collect cigarette ends!

    Then, on the 26th of January, they went on a beach to collect waste with an association SURFRIDER..

    Now, they will study, in class, how long a waste takes to disappear

    (For example a cigarette end).


    A clap for all the pupils of this class and their teacher, Sophie Lagadec.

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  • Enzo makes his presentation on the conquest of SPACE.

    He explains his personal searches to his classmates.

    He uses a poster from a magazine "ASTRAPI" as a support for the presentation.


    "I am going to speak to you about my work".

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  • Petit ménage

    You can find the  articles for Erasmus or for the classes


    on the right, on the top of this page.

    The new articles stay on the middle page

    during one or two months






    Vous pouvez retrouver les articles dans les rubriques

    ou en cliquant dans la rubrique


    colonne de droite.

    In "ARCHIVES" ,  on the right (bottom), you can find all the articles since the beginning

    of the blog, you choose the month and the year to discover them.


    Dans la colonne de gauche vous pouvez trouver les productions

    des années précédentes et les travaux réalisés dans le cadre du projet européen Comenius de 2010 à 2012.

     On the left you can find the productions and the work of the

    last years including the work for the Comenius project.


    Have fun by watching all the articles.

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  • Rencontre avec une artiste plasticienne: paysage urbain

    Meeting with a plastic artist: urban landscape

    Les CP et les CE1 ont bénéficié d'une première animation proposée par une artiste plasticienne de la ville de Brest. Maria a invité les élèves lors d'une sortie de quartier à observer le paysage urbain en s'arrêtant sur les lignes, les perspectives, les couleurs, les contrastes.

    The 6/7 years old and the 7/8 years old met a plastic artist from our town, Maria. She invited the pupils to watch the urban landscape by stopping on lines, perspectives, colors, contrasts.

    Puis chaque élève a dessiné ce qu'il voyait, ce qu'il ressentait.

    Then, each pupils drew what he or she saw, what he or she felt.

    Meet with plastic artist:urban landscape

    Meet with plastic artist:urban landscape

    De retour en classe, Maria a valorisé chaque production.

    Back to school, Maria valued each production.

    Meet with plastic artist:urban landscape

    Nous avons bien hâte de poursuivre le travail avec Maria : une maquette artistique du quartier.

    We look forward to pursuing the work with Maria:

    an artistic model of the district.


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  • Lien entre la maternelle et le primaire -

    Link between preschool and primary school.

    The 6-7 years old from Marie's Class invited the 5-6 years old from Catherine's class to share the king cakes made by Marie's pupils.

    Les 6-7 ans de la classe de Marie ont invité les 5-6 ans de la classe de Catherine pour partager les galettes des rois faites par les élèves de Marie.


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  • Sciences in class! Des sciences en classe!

    We can observe the evolution of the baby stick insect.

    We have a lot of questions.

    Nous pouvons observer l'évolution du bébé insecte bâton.

    Nous avons beaucoup de questions.


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    Les élèves de CP et de CM1/CM2 ont travaillé par groupe en s'inspirant de G. Arcimboldo.

    Les élèvesont fortement apprécié de travailler avec des plus jeunes ou des élèves plus âgés.

    Les oeuvres produites sont originales et viendront embellir notre nouveau self.

    Pupils from CP class (6/7 years old) and pupils from CM1/CM2 class (10/11 years old) have worked in mixed groups after some observations about the work of G. Arcimboldo. The pupils have really appreciated to work with the youngest or the oldest pupils.

    Their paintings are gorgeous and they are going to decorate our new self.

    Monique, the lady who takes care of the children in the self loves the productions put on the walls.

    Thank you Arcimboldo for all your secrets.Lunch with Arcimboldo, by CP and CM1/CM2

    Lunch with Arcimboldo, by CP and CM1/CM2

    Lunch with Arcimboldo, by CP and CM1/CM2

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  • A link between primary and secondary school.

    They are 10/11 years old in Primary school, 11/12 years old in Secondary school.

    They work together on the same topic. Here it's a book "Une histoire à toutes les sauces" written by Gilles Barraqué.


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